AQUA*TACHYONIA has a bioenergetic potential which is capable to stimulate meridians within a few minutes. To do so, just rub some drops directly on the corresponding acupressure or acupuncture points of the skin.

You can also mix some drops in your daily- or night cream. This will help to potentialize its virtue. Store in a cool place!

Due to the actual legislation we are not allowed to advertise that it can be ingested.

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Very interesting are applications with plants: give 3 drops of AQUA*TACHYONIA per day in a vase. Wait and see how long flowers will stay fresh!

Feedbacks from hotels and director’s secretaries report again and again the delightful effects of tachyonized water.

>• choose AQUA*TACHYONIA in our WEB-Shop


Engineered in Germany & Switzerland
Made with Love and Compassion