The Xyluriz consists of two circles, which symbolize unity, infinity, recurring cycles and progress. The Xyluriz thus represents a three-dimensional symbol for infinity.
Its shape, which is similar to that of the wheel, helps to get things moving; be it to move a little faster on its way or to bring unsolved issues into flow more optimally: the Xyluriz is a great pendant for all of you who are ready to let go (the past).
As the Xyluriz has soothing qualities, it is ideal for applying to the appropriate area in case of acute pain. Although the Xyluriz is a small Tachyon product, it has by far the "strongest" and yet "gentlest" energy potential. And, analogous to the law that the gentlest form of energy has the highest potential, it helps - applied in the therapeutic/energetic field - to release ancient energetic blockages. The energy of Xyluriz can be compared to the subtle energy of a rose or a newborn baby.
Figuratively speaking, you can imagine that -during an energetic self treatment- the Xyluriz "disappears" into the body; it "dives" into the problem, "pulls" it out and allows you to understand the cause.
Another interesting feature that distinguishes the Xyluriz: Even though it is the smallest form of our range, it has the potential to protect against unwanted external influences. In this respect, we can highlight the violet and magenta Xyluriz in particular.
We offer the Xyluriz (pure crystalline silicon, size: ~ 25mm x 6mm) in 15 color variations, which are described in detail below.
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the ruby red Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• for internal and external stability
• in case of a deep-seated feeling of insecurity
• in case of anger and rage based on disappointment
• to ground yourself (for example after a meditation)
• in case of chronic or acute states of exhaustion and fatigue
>• order a ruby red Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the orange Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• to be able to relax better
• to be able to digest "things" better
• to experience more fun and joy
• to connect to my gut feeling
• with difficulties in the area of sexuality
>• order a orange Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the gold-topaz Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• in case of a lack of self-esteem
• to get more courage and assertiveness
• if you are addicted to substances (alcohol, tablets, etc.)
• if I am prone to depression or mood swings
• to connect with my intuition and inner wisdom
>• order a gold-topaz Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the yellow Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• in case of complaints in the stomach area
• in case of overanxiety and nervousness
• if there is a lack of ambition and perseverance
• in case of depression, whether seasonal or otherwise
• in case of metabolic problems
>• order a yellow Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the light-yellow Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• for the redemption of existential fears
• if I am shy and "hide" myself
• to connect with nature spirits (elves, devas, etc.)
• to get access to the collective knowledge (Akasha chronicle)
• to bring more fun into the seriousness of life
>• order a light-yellow Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the lime-green Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
>• falls ich öfters denke: "das kann ich nicht"
>• wenn ich es nicht wage, erfolgreicher zu sein
>• wenn ich in einer verfahrenen Situation feststecke
>• wenn es mir gut tun würde, Hilfe "von oben" zu erhalten
>• wenn ich sich bietende Chancen nicht wahrnehmen kann
>• order a lime-green Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the emerald-green Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• in case of susceptibility to infections and cancer
• when I am cramped by the burden of worry
• when I carry a lot of grief and anger around with me
• to let go of the past and make a new beginning
• for heart complaints and infections of the respiratory organs
>• order a emerald-green Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the rose-coral Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• with feelings of self-hate
• to connect with the voice of the heart
• with imbalance in giving and taking love
• if I’m feeling lovesick … and I somehow “locked” my heart
• for hormone and fertility disorders
>• order a rose-coral Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the aquamarine Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• with the fear of being laughed at
• to overcome shyness
• for immunodeficiency and increased susceptibility to infections
• to strengthen the confidence in your own creative abilities
• in case of repeated diseases of the respiratory tract
>• order a aquamarine Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the indigo-blue Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• for children and teenagers … and persons who are sensitive
• to promote clairvoyance and clairaudience
• to dive into a state of deep meditation
• for complaints in the area of nose, ears and eyes
• with problems in the area of growth or fertility (pituitary gland)
>• order a indigo-blue Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the violet Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• for sleep disorders
• supportive for cancer diseases
• to concentrate better on one task
• when I feel desperate and left alone
• for depression and addictions (alcohol, drugs)
>• order a violet Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the magenta Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• when I am energetically drained and exhausted
• if defenselessly exposed to negative energies
• with painful experiences, whose pain is difficult to bear
• when I have been hurt by someone and I cannot forgive
• if body, mind and soul run in different directions
>• order a magenta Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the lilac Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• when I doubt "God"
• when I have / had a difficult childhood
• when I lack “inner peace”
• when I am energetically drained and exhausted
• when I am afraid of "intangible" energies
>• order a lilac Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the opal Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• to stimulate inspiration and imagination
• strengthens clear vision and visual acuity
• interesting to support “money rituals”
• reinforces thoughts and actions of the wearer (so be careful!)
• conveys a feeling of warmth and security
>• order a opal Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
Apart from the basic properties already mentioned, the crystal-clear Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:
• for the release of grief and pain
• to clean the aura and promote healing
• to find the way from darkness into light
• when I do not know what I want to do
• when I feel mentally and physically dirty
>• order a crystal-clear Xyluriz in our WEB-Shop
>• Tree of Life
>• Xyluriz
>• Half-Sphere
>• Manufacturing
Made with Love and Compassion