Today a large number of books that try to explain the energy of Tachyons are on sale. As hundreds of scientists have explored and are exploring this form of energy, several branches have formed. While some researchers and scientists are dealing with the wireless transmission of energy via the ether, other researchers are trying to integrate this form of energy in the fields of health and the environment.

In recognition, we quote below some of the most famous researchers and scientists who had and have been honored for their efforts. A good number of these people have even been honored by the Nobel Prize. And, it is hardly believable, some of these researchers were forced to use a pseudonym: just to protect their identity and their lives.

Abraham * Aharonow * Alfven (prix Nobel 1970) * Arrhenius (prix Nobel 1903) * Aspden * Bearden * Bessler * Bohm * Clark * Compton (prix Nobel 1927) * Crane * De Broglie (prix Nobel 1929) * Descartes * Dirac (prix Nobel 1933) * Dornberger * Edison * Eddington * Eisenberg * Crookes * Einstein (prix Nobel 1921) * Farrow * Feinberg * Foucault * Gassiot * Geissler * Goldstein * Hasslberger * Heisenberg * Hertz * Hilscher * Hurwitz * Kraspedon * Krafft * Lodge * Lorenz * Mach * Maxwell * Michelsons (prix Nobel 1907) * Michrowski * Monstein * Moray * Newton * Obolensky * Palàgyi * Planck * Poincaré * Possell * Wilhelm Reich * Richardson * Russel * Rutherford * Sacharow * Schrödinger * Seike * Soddy (prix Nobel 1921) * Stark (prix Nobel 1919) * Teller * Tesla * Thomson * Todeschini * Vallée * von Lenard (prix Nobel 1905) * Yukawa (prix Nobel 1949)

Alexandersson, Olof * Baumgartiner, W. * Pond, Dale * Becker Robert O. * Bedini, John C. * Billings, Roger * Boadella, David * Bockris, John O'Malley * Brown, Tom * Cheney, Margaret * Childress, David * Conti, Biagio * Davidson, Dan A. * Davidson, John * Eisen, Jonathan * Ford, R.A. * Freeman, John * Graneau, Peter & Neal * Hayes, Jeffrey * Hilscher, Gottfried * King, Moray B. * Kuhn, Thomas * La Violette, Paul * Lindemann, Peter A. * Mallove, Eugene F. * Manning, Jeane * Sinclaire, Pierre * Mielord, Sven * Moore, Clara * Nieper, H. * O'Leary, Brian * O'Neill, John * Pond, Dale * Resines, Jorge * Russel, Walter * Schauberger, Viktor * Sigma, Rho * Tewari, Paramahamsa * Valone, Thomas * Wiseman, George

Did you know that the invention of the ballpoint pen is due to a rather peculiar dream?

... and did you know that the inventor of the benzene ring, Friedrich August Kekule, made this invention in a state of trance (to tell you the truth, he was completely drunk, because he couldn't solve this problem) and that Einstein claimed to have "received" the information for the Relativity Principle in a "trance-like" manner .....


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