In the following, we will show you the possible combinations - in connection with the color variations - which experience has shown to be most successful:

gold-topaz: This sphere promotes thought processes related to abundance, wealth, wisdom and concentration. Of course, it can be used wherever these topics are desired.

We have published detailed information about the energetic potential of this color under this link.

emerald green: This color promotes healing processes and regenerates mind and body. They are predestined to be used in the following places: retirement homes, nursing homes, sanatoriums, hospitals and wellness centers.

We have published detailed information about the energetic potential of this color under this link.

aquamarine: This color promotes communication, strengthens self-confidence and supports creative processes. Predestined for the reception, in gastronomy, travel agencies, personnel consulting and therapy rooms.

We have published detailed information about the energetic potential of this color under this link.

indigo blu: This color conveys calm and promotes intuition. Very interesting to be integrated in rooms where people meet to meditate or who are engaged in yoga. Helpful for hyperactive people.

We have published detailed information about the energetic potential of this color under this link.

crystal clear: This "color" contains all frequencies of the visible color spectrum. Since the vibration of this sphere is very high, it is well suited for places where the ambient energy is "polluted". It also promotes clarity.

We have published detailed information about the energetic potential of this color under this link.

If you would like to order one or more SiLICA-Spheres, simply click on the image with the sphere of your choice; you will then be automatically redirected to our WEB-Shop.

>• for the workplace
>• for the living area
>• protection from earth radiation
>• color variations

>• Feedback * finally a baby


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Made with Love and Compassion