This true-to-scale apartment plan shows very clearly how closely the Hartmann grid (green) and the curry net (yellow-red) are arranged.

The water veins (blue) and the fault line (brown) as well as the Ley-Line drawn in violet additionally impair the well-being.

Note: Not all residential and office buildings are located on water veins or fault lines. However, they are all exposed to the Hartmann- and Curry-Grid. These two grids are regularly distributed over the entire planet, as are the longitudes and latitudes. So don't be surprised if you are one of those people who feels tired in the morning, because these kind of radiation is really something "special".

Services: If you are interested in a review and harmonization of your living and/or working area, you can contact one of our sales partners or our team.

We offer three different variants for harmonizing earth radiation:

>• selective harmonization
>• Harmonization by a radiesthetist
>• Harmonization (incl. WiFi & mobile phone antennas)


Engineered in Germany & Switzerland
Made with Love and Compassion