Water veins are probably the most well known telluric rays; they are underground streams or small rivers. The scientists' hypothesis is the following: due to the friction of the water on the underground rock, electric and electromagnetic fields are created which can be detected and measured either with a pendulum, a rod or technical devices such as scintillation detectors, which are used to measure the energy and intensity of harmful ionizing radiation.
The water veins are polarized in a "levorotatory" or "dextrorotatory" way. While a dextrorotatory rotation invigorates and strengthens all living organisms (plants, animals, humans) ... a levorotatory rotation has weakening effects. Unfortunately, a good 70% of water veins are levorotatory, and therefore harmful to health.
A chemical investigation does not allow us to find a difference between these two polarities; however, dextrorotatory watercourses have been known for centuries as "holy water" because they show curative benefits.

On this floor plan two water veins are drawn in approximate proportion to the size of the apartment. The crossing point and the edges of the main zone are particularly important. Although water veins are sometimes only 10 to 20 cm wide, they can, depending on their depth, spread out as a disturbance zone at ground level up to one meter or even more.
>• next rubric: Hartmann-Grid
>• summary: Earth radiation
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