We publish this reference with the kind permission of a radiesthetist who got to know our products in spring 2001 and has been integrating them into her Feng Shui consultations since then. Many thanks ;-)

In spring 2010 I was contacted by a very polite woman. She, her husband and the two children did not sleep well and felt tired and not rested practically every morning. She asked me if I could check from distance, what is not O.K. at their home

After she sent me the plan of her apartment, I analyzed it using radiesthesia and drew the water veins as well as the other geopathic disturbances.

Since the biggest disturbance was clearly caused by the Wi-Fi radiation (her own Wi-Fi router and those of her neighbors), I could only recommend - in order to resolve this problem at 100% - a PHAROS II ... which she bought a few days later in our store. My life partner explained to her how this high-energy object works and how to set it up at home.

Almost two weeks later she called me and told me in a happy voice that everyone was sleeping well. Thank you very much! Life had become worth living again, because the tiredness had flown away. She also said that she had absolute confidence in our work ... and that she would like to commission me to do the geobiology and Feng Shui of her future house that they are planning.

As it turned out later, this was one of the most difficult Feng Shui consultations for me personally up to that time; however, it was very interesting and wonderful, because I was able to participate from the very beginning.

The plot to be analyzed is located in a beautiful rural area; about 2000 m2 in rectangular shape. The testing with pendulum showed that there are practically no important geopatic disturbances. A really healthy terrain with a wonderful smelling earth. Of course, the client was overjoyed and happy like a little child that she had chosen a healthy site.

We agreed that from now on she would send me the architect's plans by e-mail and she would rely on me to make all the necessary corrections. I could never have imagined that this consultation would be so complicated and cumbersome. The happy end finally compensated us all.

The first plan I got was a complete mess without equal: the whole concept was a Feng Shui disaster. I informed her about this and suggested first solutions. She then told me in a low voice that both she and her husband had made the plan ... and that the architect was not pleased when he received her plans.

I suggested that she contact her architect and make a new plan: the second one. The second plan was almost as "bad" as the first. I corrected this plan as well; again a few hours of work to draw everything as perfectly as possible.

As soon as the mail was sent, the good lady wrote me: "I don't like the way you corrected it! So we made a different plan (different division of the rooms). And so it went back and forth x times. When I finally got to No. 18, I called her and told her that the fee for this project far exceeded other Feng Shui consultations and that maybe we should analyze the reason for the back and forth; because it just can't go on like this.

Her answer was: "I just want a perfect house. This is the first time that I am doing Feng Shui and I am so overjoyed that I can include Feng Shui in the construction. But you are right. Our architect is also starting to get angry that he always has to redraw everything.

Three days later I got back plan no. 2, which I had already worked out a few weeks ago. She told me that she will finally hand this plan over to the architect and asked me in detail what colors she should choose for the kitchen and all other rooms ... and the colors for the bedding, curtains, etc. and if I could also do the Feng Shui of the basement, the garage and the garden and where she should place the PHAROS II. No sooner said than done.

After handing over the keys she called me and thanked me effusively. She thinks they have the most beautiful house in the village! She was overjoyed! And I was also happy for the whole family and that finally everything went well ... and I didn't have to analyze another plan ;-)

PS: The numerological consultation I was allowed to do for all family members enabled the parents to dissolve old patterns. I was able to give them concrete suggestions to solve a few personal problems.

>• Feedback * Cows
>• Feedback * Medical practice
>• Feedback * Alzheimer / Parkinson
>• Feedback * Nervous wrecks
>• Feedback * The neighbors also benefit
>• Feedback * The 18 plans consulting

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Made with Love and Compassion