Probably the best known source of interference at the workplace is also one of the most important work equipment: the PC monitor. Nowadays, it is not only the electromagnetic spectrum of a flat screen monitor that has an adverse effect on our organism, but also its background lighting. Like the light from fluorescent tubes, this is generated by gas discharge.
Modern flat panel displays produce a discontinuous spectrum with unnatural short-wave blue components (blue, indigo, violet) with sharp energy peaks as well as low energy in the blood circulation-promoting red range. This "blue light" is more refractive than red light and is focused on a different level in our eyes than long-wave light components, which leads to color fringes and blurring.
Light sources with a high blue component put a strain on the hormone balance because the release of melatonin production is reduced and promotes the formation of stress hormones such as cortisol and ACTH. It is probably well known to everyone today that disorders in the hormone balance favour diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, immune and metabolic disorders, cancer, diabetes etc.
Although the colors blue and violet have been medically proven to have a calming effect on the nervous system, headaches, blood pressure and all kinds of inflammation, we would like to mention the words of Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim:
"Everything is poison. The dose alone makes a thing not poison".
Biophysically, the frequencies of blue and violet are calming. However, if I as a person am exposed to these frequencies over a longer period of time, they have a counterproductive effect. The nervous system becomes irritated, the eyes become irritated, the entire chest area and all internal organs react irritated. And as the last link in this chain, our emotions react. We are irritated and do not know how to solve this problem. And to relax, we "relax" at home in front of another screen: the television screen.
Another job, which is primarily done by female employees, also often leads to various physical ailments: cashier. On the one hand, this profession is exposed to pathogens such as microbes and bacteria and viruses on a daily basis; be it by accepting cash and paper money or shaking hands, on the other hand, these jobs are often small, cramped and hectic and dependent on electronic devices.
According to various scientific studies, one and two euro coins are extremely dubious for nickel allergy sufferers. Although the coins contain less than 25 percent nickel, they release large amounts of the heavy metal ... and on contact with the sweat of the palms, nickel triggers various chemical reactions.
In various series of tests, coins were stuck to the skin of nickel allergy sufferers. After two to three days, the skin showed strong reactions. A health risk exists only in the case of direct and permanent skin contact with the coins, and therefore people such as bank employees, cashiers or employees of vending machine services are particularly affected.
Funny, funny ... because it seems that in 2001 a ban was issued in the EU, which forbids nickel-releasing alloys in jewelry.
The cash register itself is only one part of the whole. What makes it more difficult is the artificial lighting and air conditioning of the rooms. The catchwords "sick building syndrome" and "multiple chemical sensitivity" are attributed to complaints whose operational and economic consequences run into the billions: A burden not only for those affected, but also for the economy!
Have you ever thought about the enormous forces medical technicians are exposed to every day? Even if the image used may seem "fake", people who are dedicated to this profession can tell you a thing or two about how they feel after a day at work. It is therefore not surprising that since the introduction of the AURA-Shield, many employees of clinics / hospitals are among my customers.
Most of us make our first contact with electrosmog via our radio alarm clock or smartphone ... afterwards with the first sent SMS ... then perhaps with the microwave device. For many people it continues on the way to work, if they are dependent on public transport. Admittedly, it may sound a bit exaggerated, but for millions of people this is part of their daily routine.
Nor should the electrical and electromagnetic fields to which travelers are repeatedly exposed be underestimated.
Analogous to the motto "constant dripping wears the stone" you can assume that your organism reacts to such influences; sooner or later. And let us not forget the people who drive these vehicles. In particular, locomotive drivers are exposed to radiation that is really something special.
Just ask your friends and acquaintances.
People who live next to bus or streetcar lines have a significantly worse sleep. However, this is not only due to the possible noise, but clearly due to the electromagnetic fields that spread effortlessly through the ether. An excellent product for protection against such lines is our tachyonized GOLD*CHIP Disc.
>• next rubric: effects of the AURA*Shield
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