BioGenesis is an eternal technology of light. The BioGenesis energy is the underlying intelligence of creation. It is the energy that creates, nourishes and changes everything according to the laws of nature. It is the light of creation.

The Great Masters say that we can compare the origin of creation with the germination of a seed. The seed already contains everything that will be necessary to make a tree grow. What does a seed need to grow? Light. Light is the origin of creation. The gradual unfolding of creation begins here, step by step, layer by layer, from the smallest particle to the all-encompassing universe. This is the light that is spoken of in the light of BioGenesis, the light of creation. BioGenesis is the energy that creates, nourishes and changes everything, on the individual as well as on the cosmic levels.

At the birth of creation everything is in complete harmony; everything is in total balance. Therefore, by using the BioGenesis light tools, the memory of the perfection of creation is restored in every cell and every atom. The BioGenesis light tools are the link between the perfect harmony at the beginning of all being and the physical world today.

The BioGenesis light tools guide and distribute the energy of creation, the memory of the origin of creation, and refresh this memory in us and our environment, bringing back health, harmony and light.

It is always about resonance. The question is: what we go or want to go into resonance with? Think of it like an orchestra. If some instruments are out of tune, there will be no harmonic concert. If these instruments are now brought back into resonance, into harmony with some very precise and well-tuned instruments, the overall quality of the concert will be much better.

It is similar with ourselves: if certain functions become out of balance, this can be corrected by bringing them into resonance with their corresponding correct original vibration or frequency. The memory of this state of perfection at the beginning of the creation process is imprinted in the light tools.

To the logo, which is lasered into all products:

>• it symbolizes creation
>• it symbolizes the birth of creation
>• it symbolizes the first rotation of creation

>• next rubric: BioGenesis products


Engineered in Hawaii & Germany
Made with Love and Compassion