It is always a pleasure for us to be approached by young people who are looking for products that give their work an ecological touch. This is also the case of a young Figaro: In search of a system for water vitalization he came across our homepage. After a very interesting and also for us revealing telephone conversation we were allowed to deliver three Aquajets to this new customer for the opening of his new salon.

Already a few weeks after the opening we received a nice feedback! How could it be any different ;-)

"Since I - in a first stage - wash the hair of my customers and since the tap water in our region is very calcareous, I and my two employees noticed immediately that the water feels decidedly "different".

Which was also noticed relatively soon by my customers."

It is interesting how much can often be achieved with very little. It's nice when you can do your work with heart and a smile !

>• Feedback * Hairdresser
>• Feedback * Car body builder
>• Feedback * Bestseller author

>• order a Aquajet in our WEB-Shop


Engineered in Germany & Switzerland
Made with Love and Compassion