gold-topaze ... order this sphere in our web-shop

On an energetic level, this colour might be helpful in the following situation:

if I have the feeling being a looser, if suffering from a lack of self-esteem, if I’m afraid not to meet the requirements, in order to get more courage and perseverance, in order to connect to my intuition and inner wisdom, if there is a tendency to hide and to conceal my skills, in case of distinct (maybe irrational) fears not to cope with life, in case of addiction to substances that paralyze

emerald-green ... order this sphere in our web-shop

On an energetic level, this colour might be helpful in the following situation:

to let loose the past / for a new start, if I am carrying a lot of grief and anger, if it is hard to forgive myself and others, if I am not able to ask for help, if I have the impression of being stocked, in case of heart troubles / infections of the respiratory organs. N.B.: It is scientifically proven that the frequency of this color is able to grant great services in case of cancer and liability to infections diseases.

aquamarine ... order this sphere in our web-shop

On an energetic level, this colour might be helpful in the following situation:

If I avoid staying in the limelight, strengthens the self-confidence, to overcome shyness and stagefright, promotes creative thinking processes, promotes the access to my artistic potentials, in case of tendency holding back deep emotions, in case of immunodeficiency and … in case of risk of infection vulnerability.

indigo blue ...
order this sphere in our web-shop

On an energetic level, this colour might be helpful in the following situation:

For sensitive kids, reinforces the willpower in order to realize my plans, to promote clair-voyance and clair-audiance, if I’m overactive and if I miss inner peace, in case of troubles with the nose, ears or eyes. Indigoblue calms the fire, any type of inflammations, headaches, nerfs, hypertension, the spirit: it seams that this color heals everything.

crystal clear ... order this sphere in our web-shop

On an energetic level, this colour might be helpful in the following situation:

Helps to purify my aura and helps to promote healing, energetic purification of living and working areas, if I don’t know what I really want to do, if I have the impression dissipating my life, if I feel dirty and filthy (mentally and/or physically) if I often doubt and if I’m easily unsettled by bits and bobs.