Reliably protects your body against E-SMOG !

The tachyonized GOLD CARD (credit card size), manufactured with pure crystalline silicon and 24 carat gold foil reliably protects the whole organism against the influence of harmful electric and electromagnetic radiation. This card has been developed for person who work or sojourn regularly in an environment of electric smog emanating devices and vehicles.

For your protection, we recommend to put the GOLD CARD (85 x 54mm) directly in the shirt pocket.

You might also place the card in the breast pocked of your suit: worn at this height, the Tachyon field that arises around the card will directly act on the thymus gland and on the thyroid.

The probably most noted perturbing source in your work area represents at the same moment one of the most important working appliance anyway: the computer screen. In order to protect yourself against the radiation of computer screens the GOLD CARD can be fixed on the backside of the monitor. If you are using a Laptop or Touchpad you might fix a GOLD CHIP instead.

> order the GOLD CARD directly in our WEB-Shop